Sunday, November 8, 2009
Retro Blogging: Thumbs up for France and Spain, Part Deux
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Retro Blogging: Thumbs up for France and Spain Pt. I
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Retro Blogging: Beyond Bourges

Friday, June 12, 2009
I Kissed a Girl... and it was Katy Perry... and I liked it!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Words of encouragement
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wake Up Every Day With A Dream

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Shimmer and Shine: Backstage with R7 in Paris
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Relentless Night
It's Sunday night. April 19th, 2009. I'm in Kentish Town, London, England. Julie, Isabelle and I arrive early at The Forum because it's open standing room tonight and I want to be one of the first people through those doors. We're here to see my new favourite band, Relentless7. Also known as, Ben Harper and Relentless7.
Ben Harper is my all-time favourite musician. He's an amazing guitar player, a brilliant singer, a prophetic and inspiring lyricist and he has more passion and soul than anyone you've ever seen on stage. I saw him for the first time in September of 2007 at historic Massey Hall in Toronto. He was touring with his long-time band, The Innocent Criminals in support of their latest album, Lifeline. I sat in the fourth row, centre-stage and was taken to new emotional levels that night.
In late 2008, Ben put things on hold with the ICs and reunited with three musicians from Texas he had worked with on his 2006 album, Both Sides of the Gun; Jason Mozersky, Jesse Ingalls and Jordan Richardson. Ben is often considered to be a very laid back musician who makes “chill out” music and indeed, many of his most popular songs do have a mellow vibe but anyone that has enjoyed his whole catalogue knows that Ben Harper is an eclectic musician who's music transcends genres. Working and creating with the Texan trio has produced a Ben Harper album that is heavily rooted in rock and blues- something that has been long-awaited by many fans, including myself.
As planned, I'm one of the first people in and I grab a spot right up against the stage, front and centre. I'm on my own because Julie and Isabelle's tickets are for upstairs, but I quickly make nice with the other fans around me. The moment Ben and the boys take the stage the sold-out crowd loses it's collective mind. We are ready to rock. So ready. And as the band attacks the first chords of the opening number, “Better Way”, it's clear that we're not the only ones. This is in-your-face rock and roll.
After a ten-song set and a three-song encore Relentless7 take their final bows. I'm so fired-up! That show kicked some serious ass. Julie, Isabelle and I meet up and share our uncontrollable excitement. The crowd begins to file out of the building and most people start heading home, but not us. I'm determined to meet Ben Harper tonight so we go around the building and wait by the side door. Some other fans have the same idea and in total there are twelve of us hoping to meet the man. After waiting for more than two hours (the band had a couple of obligations after the show) the door opens and Ben Harper steps through.
Finally, after being such a huge fan of the man and the music for so long, I get to meet Ben Harper. I wondered if I'd be nervous, but I wasn't at all. There's just something about his vibe. He's so calming and gracious. Ben is honestly blown away that we have waited so long just to see him. After taking the time to personally meet everyone and thank us so genuinely for being the fans that we are, we take a group photo and Ben starts signing a few things. I managed to obtain a copy of the setlist from one of the roadies and as Ben throws his signature down on it I tell him that I'm going to be in Paris the next night (although I couldn't get a ticket for the show) and Bourges the night after that (for which I did have a ticket). Ben's eyes open wide and he says, “No way! Are you serious? Man, that's unbelievable!” He says if I'm going to be going on tour with them I need to be backstage. Now, this is unbelievable! Ben calls his manager over and tells him to write my and Julie's names down and we'll have tickets and backstage passes for Paris and Bourges.
HOLY SHIT! I just about lose my mind! I can't believe this just happened. Ben has to go and the twelve of us celebrate in the streets. This has been an incredible night but the next couple of days are going to be absolutely insane. I get back home, pack my bag and try to get a few hours of shuteye before I need to be at the coach station, but I know there's no way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Road Mojo
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The best things in life are free

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Glasgow With the Flow

What happened next was the greatest thing to happen to me since being in the United Kingdom. As we left the Kelvingrove Museum and walked down the steps, the clear night sky began to change and something very familiar started to fall from above. IT WAS SNOWING! Wonderful, beautiful snow! Oh, how I missed it! For months I had been wishing for snow, jealous of the incredible winter my friends in Canada were enjoying. And the way that it started to snow just as I walked out into the open made it feel as though this snowfall was just for me. As hoards of Scotsmen and Scotswomen ran for cover I stood there with my head tilted back and my arms open wide, loving every flaking minute.
That night, Mike and I met up with three really nice girls and did what we do best... no, not an orgy... we played beer pong! We taught Daniela, Lucy and Emily the rules and then proceeded to dominate them... again, NOT an orgy. Mike and I also played a few games head-to-head. It was just like the good old days! (Meaning, I kicked his ass!)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Fly Away Home

Sunday, February 15, 2009
C is for C U Next Tuesday
Sandy and her friends were already very familiar with a lot of English profanity. Words like bitch, ass, cock, shit and fuck were part of their standard vocabulary. But, I was able to give them the gift of "cunt".
Cunt is quite possibly my favourite "dirty word". It's effective, versatile and just so damn fun to say. Personally, I only use it towards male friends (eg. "Craig, you're such a cunt!", "What a cunt you turned out to be!", "Whats up Cunty?") or when I think its funny (which is often). I also explained the brilliance of using "C-U-Next-Tuesday" when you're in a location where saying "cunt" would be frowned upon. Sandy took a strong liking to the word and was dropping C-Bombs for the rest of the week.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
B is (also) for Berlin
Sandy found us a lift to Berlin using a rideshare website (think, organized hitchhiking). We met three random dudes in a parking lot, then defied the laws of physics by piling 5 full-grown adults into a slightly-larger-than-soup-can sized red two-door and headed for the autobahn. At 170km per hour the soup-can began to shake violently, leaving random nuts and bolts behind us like a metallic trail of bread crumbs. At least if we got lost we'd be able to find our way home following the scraps.
We dined like Könige und Königinnen and the wine and beer flowed like a magical river that lowers your inhibitions. After dinner we took to the streets of Berlin to find ourselves a Kneipenmeile (bar mile). I sampled many pints of delicious German beer and many shots of burning Mexican liquor. A night out with Axel and Becko felt like a night out with old friends. As we stumbled home at the end of the night, arm in arm, we sang "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz over and over.
There are many lessons to be learned. There are still many walls to break down.
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Incident
Many of you have sent me messages in recent weeks wondering when the next blog is going to come... all I can say at this point is, hopefully very soon.
A few weeks ago I ran into some bad luck: A guy that I work with spilled a ton of water on my Macbook while it was on. I tried my best to get all of the water out and dry it off, then took it to a shop to get it repaired. I was told that the damage was irreparable. Worst of all, the guy who did it is refusing any and all responsibility, saying that he was drunk and doesn't remember doing it.
Basically, I've lost everything; important documents, contact information for friends and family around the world, all of my travel photos etc. It's been pretty upsetting.
To make matters ever worse, it has setback my travel plans considerably. I was planning on leaving Wales on January 18th, spending some time in Scotland then going to London for a week before settling down in Brighton on the south-coast of England. I had even given my notice at work. But, I decided that it was important for me to replace the computer for many reasons so now I'm stuck in Swansea for at least another month. Gutted.
The new Macbook is being shipped to my Mom in Canada and then she will be forwarding it on to me.
Thank you very much for all of your support in regards to my blog. Please don't give up on me! Keep checking back and hopefully I'll be back to blogging very soon.
Peace and pints,