The view from 35,000 feet:
I've never watched the sunrise from above the clouds before. Patches of orange break through at the horizon. The tangerine glow of the sky resembles what it looks like when there is a fire in the distance. "Here comes the sun, do dee do do, here comes the sun, I say, it's alright." -George Harrison
When you're on the ground the clouds look like they are all on the same level. From above I can see clouds above clouds, and more clouds above those. And I can clearly see the different types of cloud; cumulus, nimbus, cirrus. Don't ask me which is which.
Harry Potter movies are just as annoying and unentertaining without sound. And what is Kenneth Branagh doing here? Come on, Kenny, you're better than that! And, when did Hermoine become such a stonecold fox?
We all have little thoughts of evil from time to time, don't we? Right now I'm wondering what kind of items I could put in the gigantic open mouth of the woman sleeping next to me. There isn't a lot at my disposal, but I'd like to put these complimentary earphones I'm not using in there... and then quickly go back to typing so that when she wakes up disoriented and asks how a pair of airline issued earphones got in her mouth I can look confused and say, "What? I'm sorry I don't have time for games, I have a deadline." And then ignore her for the rest of the flight. :)
Required elements of any flight:
Unsatisfying meal- CHECK (Do hospitals and airlines contract the same Culinary Arts School dropouts?)
Mandatory screaming baby- CHECK
Sexy Flight Attendant- CHECK x2! (One is British, one is Scottish... nice work United Kingdom, off to a good start!)
It's completely daylight now. Blue skies above the clouds. My computer reads 2:53am!!! So that's why we have timezones...